Core Services


See Service

Gender & Development


Attention to gender issues in development emanated from the declaration of the 1990s as United Nations Decade for women and a realization that women constitute the greatest proportion of those that are poor, disadvantaged and generally excluded from the process of development. Attention to strategic development needs of women is important for the attainment of the millennium development goals. While the considerations of gender equality as a development nexus became more prominent in the 1990s and the 2000s, unbalanced development programming and interventions without considerations of pertinent gender issues is still a big issue in many countries and agencies within the country.

We have broad experience in developing, implementing and evaluating development programs using contemporary gender analytical tools to ensure that planning and implementations of programs is engendered for better and equitable development outcomes.


To be a recognized leader in provision of the highest-level Management Consultancy Services in the Africa Region.


To add value to technical processes that support socio-economic transformation in Eastern and Southern Africa; to empower our clients through capacity building that sees them produce better results; and to continuously invest in our people to overcome the socio-economic challenges of our time.